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Scarborough, Krugman debate budget cuts on PBS
Excerpt from the Joe Scarborough and Paul Krugman debate debt (03/04/13) | Charlie Rose
Joe Scarborough and Paul Krugman on Debt | Charlie Rose
Scarborough: Paul Krugman Is As Extreme On Debt As Wayne LaPierre Is On Guns
Scarborough: NYT Editor Said Krugman Is 'Their Biggest Nightmare'
Krugman: Focus on deficit is 'destructive'
Krugman: "Economics Is Not a Morality Play"
Budget cuts — Montana's U.S. House seat debate
President Trump's Budget Cuts to PBS and Meals on Wheels • Fox & Friends Saturday (03.18.2017)
Scarborough Talks About Working The "Pole"
Fareed Zakaria GPS - Krugman on the deficit
Scarborough points GOP to "The Right Path"